Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Gutting Dodd-Frank

Business Roundtable.  More than Leadership...   Sociopathy!

Business Roundtable is a group of corporations that has come together to dictate how shit's gonna be for all the rest of the world.... Could THIS be the biggest lobbying firm in the entire world?

It's a virtual corporate entity/sociopath convention online!

The minced language used to veil "pursuit of profits" in every utterance on this site is kind of funny, in a greedy sociopathic sort of way...
Here's what they have to say about fiscal policy...

Implementing comprehensive tax reform to promote investment in the United States and strengthen U.S. competitiveness in the global marketplace. This includes decreasing the corporate tax rate – American corporations already face the second highest corporate tax rate in the developed world – and considering a territorial tax system.

Funny, last I knew, a lot of corporations were paying nothing.

Sooo, I'm confused.  Less than 0 tax liability isn't good enough? Do they want tax refunds on having paid NOTHING?

I suppose that's already happening in the form of government subsidies to industry...

They need more write offs for R& D, which puts would put tax-exempted scientific findings in the hands of "for profit" interests, which is unethical (as it turns out, last time policy was sane) on so many levels, and could mean that important research into cures and poisons is protected company secrets? Solutions to things like ENERGY crises, FOOD crises, BANKING crises?  They're at the vanguard of technology so that they can control it... and maximize profits... even when that means the technology never sees the light of day.  I give you Nicola Tesla.

Look, I realize that these "corporations" hire people.  Some of them even pay a living wage (mostly to the men, mind you)... but they also gouge us with budgets that include billions for advertising, which supports TV.  Yeah, that's important.
And they have CEO's and CFO's etc. ad nauseum who take home hundreds of millions... and they often set up shop in developing economies where their labor imprisonment camps house thousands of workers in atrocious conditions, keep them slightly malnourished, and pay them 2 dollars a week to make products on which ignorant white people go in debt to buy because they're so unhappy with "the way things are" that they just really want to SHOP. Mindlessly.
I have trouble keeping up.  And I do have a life to live...  All this is infringing on my pursuit of happiness!

It's all just too sick and fucked up to bear.  For today, I'm outta here.

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