This conference has been a good place for conservation psychology
>>> Human Ecology <> 6/19/2012 8:04 PM >>>
XIX International Conference of the Society for Human Ecology
jointly with
IV International Conference on Sustainability Science in Asia
February 5-8, 2013 The Australian National University Canberra,
Decisions that Work: Linking Sustainability, Environmental
Responsibility and Human Well-being
Register your interest at or email
On behalf of the organizing committee, you are invited to contribute to
SHE XIX / ICSS-Asia conference Decisions that Work: Linking
Sustainability, Environmental Responsibility and Human Well-being. The
conference will bring together a diverse group of educators, researchers
and practitioners interested in interdisciplinary and ecological
approaches to humanity’s relationship to the natural environment. The
2013 conference will focus on the co-benefits that actions to increase
environmental sustainability have for the health and well-being of
people. This broad theme will be further refined through four special
plenary panel discussions that will each introduce a sub-theme.
Conference Sub-Themes
a) Reinventing the Future: How can we develop the holistic and
integrative knowledge required for tackling sustainability problems,
what is the role of design, and what contribution can institutions of
education make?
b) Global Food Security: How can we sustainably and equitably manage
global food systems to reduce the vulnerability of urban populations and
increase the resilience of rural communities and landscapes?
c) Co-Benefits of Sustainability and Human Health: How can we improve
the links between policies and sustainability interventions to emphasize
that these are co-beneficial for both the environment and human health
and wellbeing?
d) Responsibility for Change: The primary obstacle to sustainability is
not lack of knowledge but an inability to act based on what we know.
What are the respective responsibilities of formal policy institutions,
NGOs, informal citizen groups and individual consumers for achieving the
necessary behavioral change? How can collaboration between these
elements of society be fair and equitable?
4 Ways to Contribute
1. Organize a Session
Organized Sessions should fill a 1½ hour block and involve up to 4
speakers. Session organizers are invited to propose a theme or set of
papers that expand on the conference themes. Other session topics are
also welcome. The organizer is responsible for the coordination of
participants. At this point, only provide session summary information
and the names of your intended sessions speakers. Abstracts for the
individual speaker’s papers are not yet needed.
2. Contribute a Paper
Individual papers will be grouped by the organizing committee into sets
of four papers on similar issues. Paper presentations typically follow a
format of 15 minutes talk plus 5 minutes of discussion.
3. Facilitate a Workshop
You are invited to propose a workshop or roundtable discussion. These
hour and half long sessions are in a looser format than formal papers.
They are designed to encourage exchange of ideas among participants and
to discuss different approaches to knowledge integration. Please include
a description of your session’s format and objectives and target
4. Student Online Workshop
Local and international students are encouraged to participate in a
pre-conference workshop to be held 4 February with the theme “Sustaining
People Sustaining Places”. The workshop will feature short pre-recorded
powerpoint presentations (pecha-kucha format), suitable for on-line
delivery. A further 5 minutes will be available for discussion,
including by skype for remote student delegates. Limited funding for
international travel may be awarded to the best presentation proposal.
Teachers of programs of human ecology who would like their students to
participate in this initiative for course accreditation in their home
institution are encouraged to email
Register your interest at or email
For all session types, please provide your name, affiliation, a title,
30 word summary description and 250 word abstract.
Please forward this email together with the attached flyer to any
relevant lists.
Who look forward to seeing you in Canberra in 2013!
Rob Dyball
SHE President elect, on behalf of the organizing committee
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