Sunday, May 15, 2011

A call to end the long and worthless "War on Drugs"....

The fact is, the War on Drugs is a BULLSHIT operation, and everyone knows it...
It's an EXPENSIVE bullshit operation, and they're pouring money down a big black hole... meanwhile, in my area, while tiny little towns like "McClure, PA" are inundated with heroin, parents watching, with no means, they are seemingly helpless to know how to deal with this in such communities, law enforcement is still "pulling over speeders" while kids in this area as young as 13 are known to start on this drug. This is happening all across America. Where does heroin come from ? Afghanistan. We have had a military presence in Afghanistan for almost 10 years now, still the HEROIN FLOWS. As the economy tanks in more places across rural America, people are turning to meth, as an escape, and as a money maker... For fucks sake, it's made to look almost reasonable in a popular TV show. War on Drugs seems to have made drugs even more popular, more accesible, and since the "War on Drugs" began, we've gone from kids twisting a few doobies after school to 16 year old junkies breaking into businesses and robbing banks.


The Petition available at the link in this post has, since May 8, and at last count, garnered 700 more signatures than they were hoping for.

Signatures to this petition have come from each and every Congressional District in the United States!

Here's what the petition says.

Dear Senators and Representative,

The U.S. government has said many things about the drug war, including that it's over. But as we've seen in recent months, it continues to rage on.

We're tired of all the empty rhetoric about the drug war, and now that public opinion and state legislatures are moving in our favor, we need to show that there is broad public support for legalization and ending the war on drugs.

I stand with Americans across the country in demanding an end to the war on drugs.

The war on drugs has destroyed lives in our country and sapped our nation's resources for nearly 40 years. It's widely agreed to be a failure, but has continued unabated.

Public opinion is increasingly against the war on drugs, and many states facing tight budgets have finally changed their policies to de-emphasize criminalization in favor of strategies that work.

The coalition of people who want to see the drug war end is one of the most diverse, broad-based alliances in America today: we come from every state in the nation and every spot on the political spectrum. I stand with this coalition in demanding public accountability for the war on drugs, and serious consideration for legalization.

The letter I sent to my senators:

The drug war is well known as yet another opportunity for certain people's connections to get their hands on more of the tax payers dime, meanwhile doing NOTHING that effectively will stop serious imports of drugs like heroin and cocaine, and production of meth. A drunk mother cooks her infant in a microwave, yet alcohol is widely distributed and barely regulated, until someone, drives drunk, gets hurt, or worse... Meanwhile marijuana (and hemp, one of the most environmentally sound crops with potential for dozens of industrial applications, just ask George Washington) remains illegal. We have suffered through watching government become insane. The war on drug is ONE of the biggest, most fraudulent wastes of taxpayers money ever perpetrated by the government. (There are many with the distinction). Very very few people lack awareness of the pathetic-ness of the campaign. Most individuals who say they believe the war on drugs is a good idea are ALWAYS either 1. in government; or 2. buddies with government and receiving revenues from the programs this initiative is funding. I'd be willing to bet it's 99 percent Republicans. They're always bent on scare tactics and abuses of authority in order to create opportunities for their little circle of friends... at the local level right on up to Washington DC. to get their greedy little paws on more tax dollars, even when it has to be filtered through ""initiatives" (you know, like the way Cheney profits off the war machine-cum-Halliburton, et. al?) ALL government representatives need to wake up to the fact that their public they are to SERVE is no longer apathetic to their agendas. Those days are gone. People are empowered, and they love their country enough to protect her from weasels in government who chip away, one by one, to serve themselves.
Those who sent you into office will no longer tolerate the greed, waste, nepotism, and "special status" that those elected have demonstrated for far too long. No amount of campaign money, or tax dollars allocated can fix the stupid that is being perpetuated by our government today. It's simple. End your waste, or lose your votes.

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