Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Foolish Tax Break: Sacred Cows, A Class War, and/or Obstinacy

Since the Republicans are  so obstinate about reassuring Richie Rich his tax break will continue, it seems prudent to imply analogy through a particular image and see what others might think we're really dealing with here:

Photo from WBUR, Boston via Flickr

Vote in comments on which analogy you think BEST represents the truth...

A.  An Ominous Sacred Cow stands in the way of reducing the deficit.
B.  Rolling out the new class structure so Americans can familiarize themselves.
C.  Bullheadedness and misconceptions by government leads to poor decisions.
D. All of the above


  1. Great Photo:
    D: All of the above.
    My final answer : )

  2. Good answer! All have won and all must have prizes! :p

    They all fit, but number 2 is where the rubber hits the road.
