Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 12, 2010 5:42 pm

As i sat at my desk and studied Statistics, Spanish 2, and Contemporary Art today, I relish a view of our back deck and the yellowing trees beyond.
I could tell when I awoke that it was raining, but eventually gave way to this indecisiveness where it cleared off about half way and after that we had various combinations of cloud cover... hazy, partly cloudy, some breakthrough sun today...  It's breezing up quite a lot right now... it's very pleasant, probably reached around 70 degrees F. today, and the humidity was a bit high, but comfortable at around 80 percent.

The day could not make up its mind.

The tailless Knuckles came for an apple core that was in my compost bucket sitting on the back porch, but quickly abandoned that for greener pastures.  He hasn't been back, but I"m sure the memory of the hickory nuts hasn't left his little squirrel brain just yet...

Going to put some arugula seeds in the lettuce box, and keep it closed to protect it from this small guerilla unit of squirrels.

Last night we had the Lions mane (bearded tooth) mushroom and Blewits in a white wine sauce over linguini.  Thank you Nik.  It was delish...  Still a very large portion of the lions mane in our refrigerator.  It was about the size of an (American) football!  It really did mimic seafood, and could be breaded and fried as a  substitute for shrimp bites, sauteed like scallops, or a perfect stand in for lobster in a bisque...  Wonderful!

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