For community groups, activists, and residents concerned about the effects of drilling in the Marcellus Shale. Saturday, October 16, 2010 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Radisson Hotel Harrisburg 1150 Camp Hill Bypass, Camp Hill, PA 17011
Participating organizations: ACLU, Campaign for Clean Water, Common Cause, Clean Water Action, Protecting our Waters, Democracy for America, Responsible Drilling Alliance, Sierra Club, Trout Unlimited, Delaware Riverkeepers Network, Penn Future, Penn Environment, and many more. The extraction of natural gas in Pennsylvania has been going on largely with minimal state and federal oversight. This conference is an opportunity to exchange information about natural gas drilling or “fracking” and learn how to make our voices heard in the Marcellus Shale debate.Conference topics include:
Best practices of how to wage a winning campaign
Training on organizing and getting your message out
How to build an organization, fundraise, and do outreach
Success stories from different regions of the state
And lots more.
Who Should Come? Community and organizational leaders, activists, concerned individuals and individuals who have leased their land or have been approached about a lease. Republicans, Democrats, Independents, home and business owners, farmers, hunters and fishermen - anyone who cares about protecting our property rights, air quality, drinking water, farmland and Pennsylvania's natural beauty.
Temps dipped near freezing over night and the misty humidity meant the frost was on the pumpkin this morning... (not my pumpkin, as it still sits by the door, having just brought it home from Whispering Pines!)
This snap will set off any trees that might have been lagging behind in their inevitable changes toward dormancy...
The squirrels are in such an anxious frenzy, so much so that I pity them...
I imagine their lives to be, as Hobbes said of the life of men, "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short...
There are two that visit frequently expecting last year's hickory nuts, or something, anything...
One is missing half his tail. Nik calls him "Knuckles"... He's quite demanding, once sitting outside my window chirping angrily at me for 5 full minutes before I went and gave up the goods.
2 summers ago we experienced a similar situation with an excessively expressive and demanding fellow, and Nik named him "Knuckles" He was a big fella, and had the most enormous and impressive tail of any squirrel I'd ever seen. Could have been from the pound of peanuts we fed him over the course of a month... which explains his high food donation expectancy levels.
However this summer, we have a much more frail squirrel, likely having experienced some illness from the loss of half the tail. We think it's the same squirrel these days because of the behaviors...
He's been given some American chestnuts I've had in the freezer for a year, 2 dozen hickory nuts, some sunflower seeds, and a few shelled walnuts. He still looks pretty thin and scruffy... so we're trying to help him build strength for the winter ahead... yes, i know it's weird.
A vote for Republicans is hand down, undeniably a default, a back pedal... utter retardation by definition, that will inevitably prop more puppets up to support this frightening agenda:
Which is
1. send business to china for cheap labor, bring stuff back to sell to the sheep to keep them amused...
2. less taxes on wealthy so they can buy themselves another yacht and pay for their hookers and coke.
3. de-regulate the money machine (so it can run wild making money: see 1 and 2)
It seems that quite a few people out there who plan to vote for their own demise.
When things get REALLY bad, will they vote for a "strong leader"? Better read up on the “Road to Serfdom”. We're not at the part where the dictator gets put in place...
It takes an inept party (Dem's agenda hobbled by the party of NO).. and then the backlash. WHAT is the agenda of republican leadership? (and/or tea party contenders?) Their agenda is one of greed propped up on an ideology that inspires fear. Where will it actually lead us in the future? It's poison! If someone asks me for "my papers", you can bet I'll be headed all the way to the supreme court. Wouldn't you? Well, "Welcome to Arizona! Good thing you're white!” WTF. It was Jews in WWII. How long before some creeps are willing to co-sign this B.S.? THINK! OMG! For all you clueless M-er F-ers out there::
Read carefully:: The right wing is, and has always been where you find the fascist, wealthy, (usually white), civil rights violating, democracy loathing, fearful, fear mongering, hating anything not easily understood, type of person. See the “California F-Scale” if you're wondering how to get a handle on what this is we are up against.
As for the etiology? Well, it's environmental. It's NOT genetic. It's not “nature”. It's upbringing. Authoritarian rather than Authoritative. “Do as I say, not as I do!” Strict discipline that borders on abuse. The attitude that “Children should be seen and not heard”. “God fearing” can help drill it in.
This agenda is not unlike the far right wing leadership that Middle East nations now enjoy. (I mean, really!) If that's your party, you're welcome to it. We indeed do still live in a free country where you're quite free to choose this form of government and leadership all you like and as long as you're not harming anyone or encouraging others to harm anyone, feel free... but your “free” days are numbered under such a belief system, so keep that in mind. What don't some people seem to get about that? Even though they speak up in support of the extremist right wing views, they can't possibly even realize how foolish...
These slimy conservative "contenders" want in this game in the worst kind of way because it's a definitive time in history for power and position. You can almost see Toomey drooling. How is he planning on serving his constituency? I don't even understand what he thinks he's going to do... but lurking in his nobby little ferret like head if we knew it all, we'd know His ambitions are very likely “beyond the pale”.
They'll usher in a new world order based on resource procurement disguised as religious wars. They'll feign religion and patriotism when they're really interested in power and money! not community and education, civil rights, workers rights and the spirit of cooperation as a nation. Those things imply POWER TO THE PEOPLE. That's not the right wing agenda.
If you can keep investing thousands in certain businesses who will profit (the one's who use cheap labor, send the manufacturing overseas where there are no regulations to protect workers or the environment, tying in heavily to big oil, and/or the war machine, or invest in those businesses who want to profit by making us sick, (like tobacco) our messed up food (big ag, GMO's “CORN”), they're also invested in the cures, and big pharma. Go on and vote for and invest in your own demise, you are free to choose. I'm trying to bring change through voting for a different kind of future. Have a little bit of vision people! If you can't muster your vision, you're going to drag the entire nation down into a dark age.
There will only be 2 kinds of people in this country if "conservatives" get what they want. You'll just be working for the ''man" making minimum wage.
What a sad day for America to have this kind of blindness to a greater picture and such discord that some media outlets are sowing.
There's a lot at stake indeed. Those who understand and espouse Democratic principals know they need to get this country on track and in the right direction toward
1 Energy independence
2. Civil rights for workers
3 Green ingenuity, engineering and manufacturing right here in the USA
Instead Conservatives sound like an angry mob of confused and demoralized losers. Get a grip! Stop this "scared stupid" routine. Do something to help your community. Meet your neighbor, start a business, plant trees, change your god - awful attitude. Use your energy to do something for the future besides BIT&# and moan.
Because Democrats AND Independents are sick of the dead weight of the conservative mentality more than they are sick of what this administration has tried to do. Do some people WANT life in America to be like "Road Warrior"' or something? WTF!
As i sat at my desk and studied Statistics, Spanish 2, and Contemporary Art today, I relish a view of our back deck and the yellowing trees beyond.
I could tell when I awoke that it was raining, but eventually gave way to this indecisiveness where it cleared off about half way and after that we had various combinations of cloud cover... hazy, partly cloudy, some breakthrough sun today... It's breezing up quite a lot right now... it's very pleasant, probably reached around 70 degrees F. today, and the humidity was a bit high, but comfortable at around 80 percent.
The day could not make up its mind.
The tailless Knuckles came for an apple core that was in my compost bucket sitting on the back porch, but quickly abandoned that for greener pastures. He hasn't been back, but I"m sure the memory of the hickory nuts hasn't left his little squirrel brain just yet...
Going to put some arugula seeds in the lettuce box, and keep it closed to protect it from this small guerilla unit of squirrels.
Last night we had the Lions mane (bearded tooth) mushroom and Blewits in a white wine sauce over linguini. Thank you Nik. It was delish... Still a very large portion of the lions mane in our refrigerator. It was about the size of an (American) football! It really did mimic seafood, and could be breaded and fried as a substitute for shrimp bites, sauteed like scallops, or a perfect stand in for lobster in a bisque... Wonderful!
While walking home along the railroad tracks, I spotted the first of these I've seen up close this fall.... He's a bit on the small side, only measured about 3/8" wide, and 1 1/2"long. Some of them are twice this size, but none I"ve seen in a long time...
They must love heat, because so often you see them crossing the roads.
According to legend, this little guy
indicates a cold snap in the fall and a long,
mild winter, and perhaps a colder than average Spring?